JTH Eesti OÜ is the oldest heavy haulage and special haulage company operating in Estonia, which has been offering its services since 1992. We organize heavy and oversized transports in the Baltic countries, Western and Northern Europe and Russia. Our knowledge, experience and modern technology combined with high quality and safety standards have made JTH the market leader in heavy haulage in Estonia.

JTH Eesti OÜ offers special solutions for heavy and oversized transports that meet the customer’s wishes. Our services also include obtaining the necessary transport permits, cargo dispatch services, transport route surveys, temporary removal of traffic obstructions and planning of loading works. The quality of our services is guaranteed by skilled and loyal staff and the latest machinery.

We consider employees to be our most important asset. Vision, innovative solutions, 30 years of experience and, most importantly, highly skilled employees perfectly characterize JTH’s work.

JTH currently employs 9 people, 3 of whom work in the office.